
Elixir of Eros- A program to get a more interesting and exciting dating life

Are you planning to date a girl anytime sooner or later? Then it is necessary to get some key methods to make your dating time more beautiful. Elixir of Eros is a program that will help you from start to end in the dating process. It is like your true friend who guides you on how to talk to a girl and how to spend a romantic life with her.

This book includes all the techniques for unmarried men who are new toa love relationship. It suggests tips to attract women and develop the personality of any man. This guide explains everything about the Elixir of Eros program, its contents, benefits, and the bonuses included in this program.

About Elixir of Eros Program

Now, let us discuss the program in detail to understand how it works. Elixir of Eros is a comprehensive program to attract women through seductive methods and proven techniques. Apart from these methods, the book also states how men can improve their personalities to impress their partners or girlfriends.

This whole program is created by Mike Wright for men. It contains secrets written in the form of PDFs and videos to attract women. Moreover, the book gives more meaningful techniques on how to make dating life more interesting.

Step-by-step system for men to attract women

Most single boys experience a lot of problems when it comes to dating a woman. Many of them do not know the right way to attract women while some of them apply wrong techniques that can spoil their love life. Elixir of Eros is a good program designed for all single men and young boys who want to successfully date a girl and make her chase them right to the bedroom.

This program states the different steps on how to impress a girl naturally and make her want you more every day. It contains nearly 252 pages with some videos to help men get their dream woman or girl.

Many men choose this program and have already used the techniques stated in it to gain a good romantic life. Most buyers say that this program is a stepwise system to learn how to date a girl and make her fully comfortable in your bedroom. From the start to the final phase, this book states various ways how to impress your woman naturally.

How is this program developed?

elixir of Eros book

Many of you are interested in knowing how this program was developed by Mike Wright. Well, this program Elixir of Eros was developed after studying a variety of resources and materials. It contains all the facts of neuroscience, philosophy, and psychology to know the ways to attract women.

This program lists all the characteristics that a man must possess to attract a woman. The writer focuses on these attributes and encourages men to follow those points to attract their girl or woman. He divides the whole program into different steps to make males understand it better at any stage of a relationship.

What does this program contain?

Elixir of Erosis a full program developed for males to help them attract their women. This program is mainly divided into 4 parts namely the introduction, Chase Triggers, the Five Pillars of attraction, and the conclusion. Let us discuss each part in detail to understand the full program:

  1. Introduction

In the introduction section, the writer lists all the ways to make your woman feel special. He has defined many stories related to Romeo and Juliet and how to apply chase triggers to tease women and improve your romantic life. Apart from that, the writer has also introduced various ways by which Romeo used to tease Juliet and how their love story began.

Additionally, the first part includes the obstacles by which Juliet went crazy for Romeo. The writer advises using these methods in your normal life to make it more interesting and romantic.

  1. Chase triggers

The next section contains Chase triggers by which men can make their women go crazy for them. This section explains the small triggers by which men can seduce their women. Besides, it also explains the tricks by which men can make their first date more special with their girlfriends.

In addition, the section explains how to move ahead in any relationship from friendship to marriage stage. The writer gives practical advice on how to become confident while talking with any woman or girl during a first date. Moreover, the chase triggers help to improve communication between the couples and make their love life more interesting.

  1. Five pillars of attraction

The third section includes the five pillars of attraction which must be followed by males to attract women. These pillars include confidence, humor, good communication skills, and independence. They attract women and make them trust men.

The writer suggests using these pillars according to the type of situation. He also suggests that men become true men that are loved by women naturally. The five pillars of attraction include goals that men must set for themselves to attract women. This section explains that women love males who have a definite goal in their lives.

  1. Conclusion

The conclusion part of this program is quite interesting. The writer makes some lovely concluding remarks on how to attract women. He suggests reducing anxiety to become mentally powerful. This program suggests certain ways such as meditation and Stimulus Hierarchy to reduce anxiety and gain a higher level of confidence.


In addition, the conclusion part of the book suggests tips on how a male can improve his personality through normal things. It suggests men focus for a long time to implement these chase triggers for gaining a better relationship.

Benefits of following the Elixir of Eros

Developed with deep research, Elixir of Eros is a book that contains tricks to attract women. It contains many methods and techniques that are useful for men while dating a woman or girlfriend. This book gives numerous benefits such as:

  • Tips on attracting woman

Boys often confusion, fear and anxiety while dating a girl. This book covers a special section on how to reduce anxiety and depression while talking to a girl. It also defines the various tips on how males can attract their women naturally with chase triggers and other tricks. Following this program will make men feel confident while dating any girl for the first time.

  • Important pillars of attracting women

Elixir of Eros book defines the 5 smart pillars by which men can attract women. These pillars include curiosity, infatuation, connection, arousal and devotion. These pillars will certainly work in every case and boost confidence of men. They give a successful love life in most cases.

  • Bonuses

You will find 9 powerful bonuses in this book that help the men to get confident in talking to a woman. These bonuses include the things such as how to move from friend zone to relationship zone, how to seduce girls on social media sites, secrets of female communication, convincing a girl to visit your place and so on. This book lists the ways on how to send text messages to the girls and seduce her through naughty stuff. These bonuses are a secret formula for lovely bedroom moments.

  • Tips on love life

Even after successful dating stage, the men face a lot of challenges in their love life. This program contains video coaching sessions that give secrets to turn on women and make them feel comfortable in the bedroom. Men will gain a lot of helpful tips to make their love life more attractive in every way through this book.They will gain confidence while appearing for the first time before a woman or while attending a date at the restaurant.


  1. Where to buy this book from?

You can order Elixir of Eros book only from the official website. It is not available in any other online website or source. It is easy to order this book by entering your personal information in the blank spaces such as name, contact number, email ID, address, country and zip code. After making the payment, you will get the delivery of the book within a few business days.

  1. Can I use the tips of this book anytime?

Yes, the book comes in the form of instructional manual. This manual can be easily downloaded on any PC or smartphone to access it anywhere and anytime. Men can use this manual anywhere and follow the tips during the first date or meeting.

  1. Does this book contain proven methods and practical advice?


Yes, Elixir of Eros book contains all the proven techniques and practical advice to attract women. It does not contain any impractical advice or new theories that are not related to the topic. This book has helped many individuals in attracting women naturally through proven techniques and practical advice. It gives many examples to develop personality in men and make them more confident.